The McCoy College Brand
Building leaders. Building Texas.
About Branding
Think of brand as a institution's personality and style. The personality comes from the impression we create, the feelings we instill, the tone we use in communications, and more. That personality is communicated via our visual style — things such as our logo, photography, colors, swag, and our website text. The job of a brand is to help develop a unified identity, a clear and distinct voice, and a point of pride for our students, alumni, faculty, staff, donors, and community members.
Our Brand
Our brand is the community we build and the relationships we form with the world beyond our campuses. It’s why promising students and exceptional faculty come here, and it's part of why they recommend the McCoy College of Business to others.
That’s why it is crucial to keep the brand unified across our website, our communications, our printed materials, and our promotional items. The Office of Marketing and Communications (MarCom) at McCoy College is here to help faculty, staff, and partners stay consistent with branding across the college while also providing innovative designs that keep the brand fresh and exciting.
McCoy MarCom's Role
The McCoy College MarCom team is the steward of the college’s brand, ensuring consistency across departments and centers, as well as acting as a final check on branding standards. For this reason, please check with the MarCom team before ordering any promotional item (branded shirt, pens, water bottles, etc.).
We are also available to design promotional items, printed materials (brochures, programs, etc.), capture original photos, and video on a case-by-case basis. If it has the McCoy College logo on it, we can help you make it look fantastic.
Our Name
What’s in a name? A lot, actually. Collectively using the proper name creates brand cohesion.
General Usage
Full Name (use on first reference)
McCoy College of Business at Texas State University
Informal Name (use on second reference and thereafter)
McCoy College
Usage Notes
Avoid using "McCoy" as a standalone name or label. To prevent confusion with the McCoy family or McCoy's Building Supply, always refer to the college as the McCoy College of Business or simply McCoy College. Always use "McCoy College dean" or "McCoy College students," etc. — never use "McCoy dean" or "McCoy students."
Exceptions are allowable on social media only where character-limits make the shortened form absolutely necessary.
Our Logo
Our logo visually symbolizes our brand. Ours has a purely visual elements (the star and the vertical line) as well as a wordmark (the words in this particular color and font). In marketing speak, this is called a combination mark. Our official logo isn’t complete unless it has both the visual elements and the wordmark.

In order to ensure our logo is well represented, please contact our team with your logo request. That will ensure the logo is the proper size, resolution, and format.
Note: Each academic department in the college has its own Texas State University branded logo. Only items representing the entire college should use the McCoy College of Business logo or graphic identity.
Our Tagline
Building leaders. Building Texas.
McCoy College's Voice
McCoy’s brand voice is supportive, empowering, inspirational, bold, and confident — and often distinctly Texan.
Sometimes it’s easier to think of what our voice isn’t. We are not sarcastic, mean, flippant, meek, or unsure. Our brand is positive, optimistic, and authoritative, and all of our copy and promotional materials reflect that.
Texas State's Voice
As a whole university, Texas State has a brand voice that is personal, plainspoken, optimistic, empathetic, confident, talented, and focused on the future. In general, we use the McCoy College voice while also keeping in mind Texas State's overall voice.
Our Colors and Typography
McCoy College uses the same Texas State typefaces and fonts, which you can download from the university's brand typography site. We also use the same Texas State primary and secondary colors, which you find on the university's brand colors site.
Our Audience
Our audience varies from project to project, but it usually falls into one of these categories: prospective students, undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni, faculty, staff, donors, and community members. What might be right for faculty may not be right for undergraduates. However, we try to keep these basic tenants in mind: McCoy College is a professional institution of higher learning and is part of one of the largest universities in the United States.
Promotional Items
Faculty, staff, and partners will interact most closely with our brand when ordering promotional items (apparel, mugs, water bottles, etc.). There are almost endless items on which we can slap our logo, so please contact our MarCom team before placing orders to ensure that items are on brand.
We can also design custom items for the college and its departments and centers.
Remember to keep in mind how all audiences might perceive a piece of communication or promotional item. In that context, does it still feel on brand?
Professional university photographers are constantly taking photos at events and in classrooms. Use Canto to access the university's photo archive. Feel free to download any photograph from Canto and use as you see fit.
Note: Please refrain from using random photos or images from the internet. These are almost certainly copyrighted images.
Marketing and Communications
McCoy Hall 322
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666