CBAPPS 5.05 Tenure/Promotion Policy
Tenure/Promotion Policy
In support of the McCoy College of Business mission, the purpose of this policy is to communicate to faculty the College requirements governing tenure and promotion of faculty members. The McCoy College of Business values teaching excellence and intellectual contributions, complemented by service.
AA/PPS 02.03.20 (4.05) Maintenance and Improvement of Quality in Teaching
AA/PPS 04.01.50 (7.10) Procedures for Awarding Faculty Merit Raises
AA/PPS 04.02.01 (8.01) Development and Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty
AA/PPS 04.02.20 (8.10) Tenure and Promotion Review
5.01 External Review Policy
Texas State Faculty Handbook
The Core of Academe, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
The Texas State University System (TSUS) Rules and Regulations
Tenure and Promotion Policy of the Applicant’s Academic Department
1. This policy delineates guidelines for tenure and promotion in the McCoy College of Business Administration. According to AAPPS 8.10 academic departments may specify additional criteria for tenure and promotion specific to the discipline(s) in that department. Decisions on both tenure and promotion are based on judgments of professional accomplishments and on the expectation of future achievements. To gain the support of the McCoy College of Business, a candidate for tenure or promotion is expected to have a strong record in teaching, research, and service.
2. In assessing the candidate's record and expectation of future achievements, the following should be considered:
A. The record since being hired at Texas State,
B. The record since the most recent promotion, and
C. The record over the entire career.
3. Additional information to this CBAPPS is provided in Attachment A, Tenure/Promotion File.
4. Faculty candidates are expected to familiarize themselves with stated criteria, policies, and procedures relative to tenure and promotion. This includes Department, College, and University documents. It should be noted that criteria in these documents are guidelines and that tenure and promotion decisions reflect individual evaluations and judgments. It is the responsibility of the faculty candidate for tenure or promotion to document his or her activities in teaching, research, and service.
5. At the core of the McCoy College of Busines’ philosophy, and of relevance to the performance evaluation of faculty, are collegiality, professional and ethical behavior, integrity, collaboration, and the contributions to the missions of their respective Departments, the College, and the University. Candidates are expected to contribute to the positive functioning of the Department, the College, and the University.
6. Candidates are evaluated by their Department Personnel Committee, Department Chair, the McCoy College of Business Administration Review Group, and the College Dean. Successful candidates are further reviewed as outlined in AAPPS 8.10.
I. Teaching
1. A candidate is required to establish a strong record in teaching. Evidence of sustained teaching effectiveness and commitment to continuous improvement must be documented by the candidate and must include:
A. Statement of teaching philosophy;
B. Student evaluations;
C. Evaluations by Department Chair, if any;
D. Evaluations based on classroom observations by personnel committee members (only required for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor); and
E. Other evidence which may include: letters from former students, development or revision of courses or programs, innovative instructional materials and teaching techniques, faculty development activities focused on improving teaching effectiveness (such as attendance at conferences and workshops or formal academic study), and teaching awards and honors.
II. Research
1. A candidate should provide evidence of a sustained research stream. Intellectual contributions that are eligible for consideration for tenure and promotion are:
A. Peer-reviewed journal articles, as defined by AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), published or in press; and
B. Grants (all external funded grants and unfunded grants in excess of $100,000).
C. Other intellectual contributions, including, for example, scholarly books, non- peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, published book reviews, funded research grants (external to the college), scholarly monographs, textbooks, peer-reviewed proceedings, peer-reviewed case publications with instructional materials (not in peer-reviewed journals), study guides, peer-reviewed paper presentations, invited presentations, instructional software, publicly available material describing the design and implementation of new curricula or courses, technical reports related to funded projects, publicly available research working papers, unfunded grants, issued patents, and documented works in progress.
2. Research Criteria for Tenure and Promotion to the Rank of Associate Professor
A. Given that tenure and promotion decisions involve judgments, a potentially successful candidate is expected to have a sustained record in research with a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to other intellectual contributions. In cases where a candidate has an extremely high-impact peer reviewed journal publication the publication may count as two peer-reviewed journal articles. In such cases, the judgment of the Dean (with input from the department chair and personnel committee) will determine whether a given article counts for multiple publications for an individual candidate.
B. Other intellectual contributions do not substitute for peer-reviewed journal articles. In limited cases, a large, funded external research grant may count as a peer-reviewed journal article. In such cases, the judgment of the Dean (with input from the department chair and personnel committee) will determine whether a grant may substitute for an individual candidate. Although some research may be learning and pedagogical, a significant portion of a candidate’s research must consist of contributions to practice or discipline-based scholarship. It is the responsibility of the candidate to clearly establish the quality of his or her publication record. Evidence of quality may include, but is not limited to, publication citation rates, measures of journal quality, h-index, and mentions in the popular press.
C. A candidate hired with previous experience or research productivity must have the same number of intellectual contributions, including peer-reviewed journal articles, over the course of his or her career as any other candidate. In addition, there must be evidence of research productivity from the time of hire at Texas State.
Candidates for associate professor shall have an external evaluation of their scholarly activity portfolio. CBAPPS 5.08 External Review Policy provides the process and guidelines relative to obtaining the external reviews.
3. Research Criteria for Promotion to the Tenured Rank of Professor
A. Given that tenure and promotion decisions involve judgments, a potentially successful candidate is expected to have a strong and sustained record in research with a minimum of six peer- reviewed journal articles in addition to other intellectual contributions since promotion to Associate Professor. In cases where a candidate has an extremely high-impact peer reviewed journal publication, said article may count as two peer-reviewed journal articles. As in all tenure and promotion cases, the judgment of the Dean (with input from the department chair and personnel committee) will determine whether a given article counts for multiple publications for an individual candidate. Other intellectual contributions do not substitute for peer-reviewed journal articles. In limited cases, a large, funded external research grant may count as a peer- reviewed journal article. As in all tenure and promotion cases, the judgment of the dean (with input from the department chair and personnel committee) will determine whether a grant may substitute for an individual candidate. There must be evidence of a stream of research. Although some research may be learning and pedagogical, a significant portion of a candidate’s research must consist of contributions to practice or discipline-based scholarship.
B. Evaluation of all intellectual contributions involves a judgment about quality and impact as well as quantity. It is the responsibility of the candidate to clearly establish the quality and impact of his or her publication record. Evidence of quality and impact may include, but is not limited to, publication citation rates, measures of journal quality, h-index, and references in the popular press. A candidate hired with previous experience must have the same number of intellectual contributions, including articles in peer-reviewed journals, since promotion to Associate Professor as any other candidate. In addition, there must be evidence of continuing research productivity from the time of hire at Texas State.
Candidates for professor shall have an external evaluation of their scholarly activity portfolio. CBAPPS 5.08 External Review Policy provides the process and guidelines relative to obtaining the external reviews
III. Service
1. A candidate is required to contribute to the McCoy College of Business mission by engaging in service. Evidence of a strong commitment to service may include:
A. Chairing university, college, or department committees; and
B. Administrative activities.
C. Serving on university, college, and/or department committees;
D. Reviewing grant proposals;
E. Reviewing manuscripts and serving on editorial review boards;
F. Participating and/or leadership in national, regional, and/or local professional organizations;
G. Serving as faculty advisor to student organizations;
H. Formally mentoring students or faculty;
I. Community service, including pro bono consulting activities;
Service expectations increase with rank. All areas of service, both internal and external, are valued equally by the College. Candidates for Professor are required to document leadership and service because an “outstanding record of leadership and service is expected” for promotion to this rank, but is “less critical for promotion to Associate” (see AAPPS 8.10, #21).
This CBAPPS has been approved by the reviewers listed below and represents the McCoy College of Business policy and procedure from the date of the document until superseded.
Last Update: February 2021
Review Cycle: E5Y
Review Date: Sept. 1, 2025