CBAPPS 1.05 University Procurement Cards


University Procurement Cards


The purpose of this Policy and Procedure Statement (PPS) is to implement policies for the possession and use of a university procurement card (P-Card) for the McCoy College of Business and employ a procedure that will establish guidelines for P-Card reconciliations as outlined in the Texas State University Procurement Card Manual.


UPPS 05.02.02 Texas State Purchasing Policy

UPPS 05.02.05 Texas State Procurement Training and Certification Requirements



1. Account Managers are responsible for the overall management of the P-Card Programs in their respective department. The Account Manager must ensure that sufficient funds are available in the accounts designated to pay for P-Card transactions made by their cardholders.

2. Account Managers may require additional approval requirements at their discretion before a purchase is made. This can include a departmental signature form from the requester and/or purchaser or an email from the requester for pre-approval.

3. Individual cardholders are responsible for the procurement card issued in their name and must take all necessary actions to ensure the safeguard of their P-Card custody and use.

4. The cardholder must observe all applications and guidelines regarding P-Card usage as outlined in the Texas State University Procurement Card Manual, which can be found on the Procurement Office website:

A. The P-Card is for official university business purposes only and may not be used for personal transactions. P-Card users will adhere to stipulations for appropriate expenditures from grants.

B. Observe all spending controls including the single purchase limit assigned to the P-Card (default limit is $1,000.00). Single purchases over $1,000 must be pre-approved by the Account Manager and P-Card Administrator, regardless of the P-Card spending limit. Increase limit forms can be found on the procurement website:  Split cost transactions are prohibited.

C. The P-Card may not be used to purchase prohibited items. The P-Card may not be used to purchase restricted items unless a valid waiver is issued and on file in the Purchasing Office. Waivers must be submitted 48 hours in advance for approval; waiver form can be found on the procurement website:  

D. The P-Card may not be used for the payment of State of Texas sales tax.

E. All cardholders must complete P-Card training on an annual basis to ensure they are in compliance with current P-Card guidelines. All Account Managers with a P-Card Program in their respective department must attend P-Card training on an annual basis, even if they do not have a P-Card themselves.

F. All P-Card holders are subject to the P-Card Non-Compliance Escalation Program.


1. The cardholder must keep all P-Card receipts, itemized sales receipts, packing slips, and any other information related to all P-Card transactions.

2. Every billing cycle, the cardholder will receive an itemized statement with the total amount charged to the account.

3. By the last day of the month, either the cardholder or their delegate must complete a P-Card Reconciliation Form. This form may also be used as a monthly transaction log to track purchases made during the month and may be altered to include reference information specific to each department. The P-Card Reconciliation Form can be found at and must be submitted to by the last day of the month.

4. All paperwork supporting the validity of the transaction must be attached to the back of the statement. The statement is then attached behind the reconciliation.

A. The supporting documentation should include a minimum of:

i. Copy of an order form or application, when available

ii. Packing slip if received for goods from Vendor/Supplier

iii. Cashier receipt or Vendor/Supplier  invoice

iv. Online/web orders should be documented with an order confirmation/receipt containing the minimum of:

a. Vendor name

b. Date of purchase

c. Total price with shipping

d. Description of purchase/part or model number

v. Departmental order form, if applicable

vi. Any applicable approved waivers

B. Food purchases must be documented with an itemized receipt, applicable waiver, and attached to Information Related to Food Purchases document.

5. After completing and signing the reconciliation, the cardholder submits the entire statement with back-up documentation to the account manager or designee for approval, as outlined in UPPS 03.01.09. If the account manager is also the P-card holder, the reconciliation should be sent to the account manager’s supervisor for approval.

6. Records must be maintained for five years in accordance with State policy.


This CBAPPS has been approved by the reviewers listed below and represents the McCoy College of Business policy and procedure from the date of the document until superseded.

Last Update: November 10, 2021
Review Cycle: E5Y
Next Review Date:  September 1, 2026

CBAPPS 1.05 -- 2021 (DOCX, 28.1KB)